Social Change Partner: HelpAge India

In a few short sentences, what does your non-profit do?
HelpAge India is an organization dedicated towards improving the lives of disadvantaged elderly persons throughout India. To accomplish this goal, we have instituted a number of programs that: provide free medical services, construct affordable and comfortable old age homes, bridge the generation gap between youth and the elderly, and raise overall awareness for the pervasive abuse of the elderly in Indian society.
What need do you fulfill and why is your organization unique?
HelpAge India is one of the few organizations that has the sole purpose of serving the elderly, especially the elderly who have been emotionally and economically abused. Our programs not only reach out to elderly people in every Indian state, but some of them, particularly the Mobile Medicare Unit Program, are recognized as being the largest of their kind in both India and the Asian continent.
What do you think was the happiest moment for your organization?
This past year, HelpAge India was given the prestigious Vayoshreshtha Samman award by the Government of India. The award was in recognition of the organization’s efforts over the last 35 years in touching the lives of 1.25 million needy elders.
What was/is the largest obstacle your organization faced/faces?
Even though HelpAge India is the largest organization of its kind in helping approximately 1.25 million needy elderly persons throughout India, a lot more work needs to done. More than 100 million disadvantaged elderly people are in need of assistance in India itself, and currently, we are only able to accommodate 1% of them. In fact 55 million of them sleep hungry, 30 million live alone, 12 million are blind and cannot afford treatment, and 90 million need to work in order to avoid starving.
What are the future plans for your organization?
In order to truly reach out to the 100+ million disadvantaged elderly people in dire need of help, we are currently formulating Future Vision, a mission that aims to reach out to 14 million elderly by 2020. We also hope to achieve the following milestones by 2020:
- Livelihood security for two million elderly through institutions of elderly
- Health security for two million elderly
- A National movement of elders that gives them a voice and political constituency
- Age appropriate services to 12 million elderly in partnership with government, private sector and civil society
How can our readers help you further your mission?
Knowing that Indians 4 Social Change is a platform with close to 15,000 readers worldwide, we at HelpAge India believe that I4SC will significantly aid in raising awareness for elderly abuse. Through this, HelpAge India will not only be able to garner necessary donations and increased numbers of volunteers, but also we will be able to successfully eradicate the elderly’s plight throughout India.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
Video detailing HelpAge India:
HelpAge India Website:
Brochure detailing elderly abuse statistics and HelpAge India’s programs: