Farmer Bills & The Inevitable Protests

Farmers and supporters throughout the nation are protesting against three bills recently (and rather speedily) passed by the Indian government on September 27th. Ironically, these bills have been portrayed as “reform” bills aimed at supporting farmers and improving their quality of life by the government. An overwhelming amount of articles …
Malnutrition in India

Introduction Food and nutrition are among the fundamental needs of a human being and are particularly important for a child’s growth and development. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), malnutrition refers to “deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and/or nutrients”. India has one of the highest …
Kis Aadhaar Se?

Starvation In The Indian Context India is a country with a population of over 1.3 billion. The population increases at the rate of 1.2% per year, making us the second most populated country in the world. Incidentally, the Indian food industry is the world’s sixth largest and is expected to …
Digitisation: An Act of Underrated Development

Introduction The Modi Government settled in its high seats since the 2014 elections with an aim of sweeping away the nation with a wave digitisation. The implementation of demonetization was the flag bearer commencing the march towards the much-sought idea of the present NDA’s Digital India. On October 22, the …
Smart Cities: A Smart Solution?

Introduction It is an embarrassing fact that India has become a land of disparities—for one can see dismal, tumbledown houses—enmeshed in the chains of poverty, being shadowed by intimidating skyscrapers—the very epitomes of luxury and wealth. The contrast is becoming starker by the day; therefore, now is the time to …
The Indian Crop Insurance Scheme

Introduction to the Crop Insurance Scheme The Indian government has approved of a $1.3 billion Prime Minister crop insurance scheme for farmers and cultivators, in order to protect them from crop failures, and the depression and misery that ensue in their wake. Indeed, the year-long drought that is steadily annihilating …
Enmeshed in Shackles: Farmer Suicides

Introduction The weather in Indian states has never been predictable, and is rarely a friend to farmers; in this case, however, the fluctuating conditions have resulted in a vast number of farmers across India, particularly in the states of Karnataka and Maharashtra, ending their lives due to their inability to …
Enmeshed in Shackles: Farmer Suicides
Introduction The weather in Indian states has never been predictable, and is rarely a friend to farmers; in this case, however, the fluctuating conditions have resulted in a vast number of farmers across India, particularly in the states of Karnataka and Maharashtra, ending their lives due to their inability to …
Access to Toilets: Need of the Hour

What is World Toilet Day All About? Since the year 2013, 19 November is celebrated as World Toilet Day. The aim of this day is to recognize the sanitation crisis across the world and urge the global community to take steps to solve this issue, since 1.3 billion people on the …