India Looks to Strengthen Its Defenses With Female Power

The human society, since the dawn of civilization, has stated the defining attributes for the two genders and their specific roles. To fight, either for the honor of their country or for their own was always considered unthinkable and undoable for the female sect. But 20 centuries later, it is crucial to observe if the civilization really endeavored to change these definitions or if it continues to tread on the same path of misogyny.
The defense forces, considered a far-fetched dream for a woman, have decided to open their doors to the female citizens, at last. Sources from the Indian Army have declared that the forces will now deploy female officers for cyber warfare. The news comes as a significant development in the mobilization of female resources in the defense sector. It was reported that the proposal has been discussed with the Army Chief, General Bipin Rawat, along with senior Army officials and will soon come into action.
“The force has plans of utilizing the women officers more effectively in new cadres such as cyber which is a fast emerging trade in the armed forces as they face a major cybersecurity threat from both state and nonstate actors,” quoted the source.
Women in the Armed Forces
With the growing debates centered around feminism in the society, the defense sector of the country has also come to address the prominent issue of gender parity in the three forces. Earlier in June, this year, the Indian Air Force witnessed a historical event wherein Bhawna Kanth, Avani Chaturvedi and Mohana Singh became the first female fighter pilots. This was an outcome of the Defence Ministry’s much-welcomed decision of allowing women officials in combat category.
On the note of equal rights to duty and defeating sexual bias, the Indian Naval Forces also announced the entry of women officers in all flying positions, except those that present certain infrastructural constraints. The Navy will also let females into combat roles.
“We want to give women equal status as long as there are no logistical, infrastructure and training issues.” the then Defence Minister, Manohar Parrikar said in a press conference.
The decision to allow entry to and the corollary appointment of women officers signals at the gigantic change that is slowly advancing in a male-dominated profession.
Achieving Gender Parity in the Male Domain
The Delhi High Court also passed a verdict making the service conditions equal for men and women in the armed forces. This is a huge step towards ensuring an equal treatment for both the genders in the forces.
The military, since the inception, has remained a male-dominated area. The advent of the female representatives in this domain is a major accomplishment in favor of gender parity and women empowerment. All of the steps that been taken indicate at the growth India has achieved, in terms of strengthening both the forces and the females. It is also a matter of immense pride to have a military which promotes equality, defeating the very concept of gender-segregated roles.
All of this has been made possible by not just the grit and determination of young girls and women to serve the nation but also by the support offered to take them forward the government.
It comes as a matter of great joy that the issue of gender bias is moving towards an end. The females, with profuse courage and power, will now have the opportunity to serve their nation as much as their male counterparts. As a society, this major change hints at the beginning of a facelift to the gendered notions of existence.
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