R-A-C-I-S-M and the National Spelling Bee

Ansun Sunjoe and Sriram Hathwar were named co-champions of the Scripps National Spelling Bee on May 29th when they spelled the words “feuilleton” and “sticomythia”, respectively, in front of an audience of millions. Their win marks the first time since 1962 two winners have been declared – and, on a …
Examination or Education in Indian Schools?

Given heightened exposure in media coverage and popular culture, the presence of extraordinary pressure and reduced real-world value in the Indian education system has undergone a transition into the spotlight. Despite recent changes in CBSE (the government-run board of education in India) exams geared towards fostering higher-order analytical thinking among …
Aam Aadmi Party: Catalyst for Change?

With a rapidly growing membership and a remarkably progressive agenda that seeks to upturn many of India’s current, socio-economic-political practices, it is no surprise that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has evoked more than a little interest among the Indian public. Formed in November of 2012 by Arvind Kejriwal, the …
Queer India: Gay rights and the Aam Aadmi Party

With all the talk of increased civil rights for minority groups in India following the recent events that brought to the forefront issues such as rape and corruption, one crucial section of the movement has been left remarkably bare: gay rights. Despite India’s status as the world’s largest democracy and …