Sterilization or Safety? Family Planning Measures Lead to Death of 11 Women

Eleven women have died and over a dozen more are still in critical condition after being sterilized in a district hospital in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh this week. Over 80 women were operated on for tubectomy on Sunday, and dozens were admitted later that evening upon becoming ill. Doctors have rushed to Chhattisgarh …
Global Warming: You Can’t Escape, India

A few short weeks before the critical UN meeting on global warming in Peru, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reconfirmed in a report earlier this week that surface temperatures in India are rising at an “unprecedented” level. The report stated that the past 30 years have been the …
Lovers Uniting for the Right to Kiss Arrested

Lovers in Kochi, Kerala united on Sunday at a mass demonstration for the right to be able to kiss in public, only to be met by violence and thousands of arrests by the police. The campaign, “Kiss of Love,” was protesting moral policing of couples expressing their love in public. …