
Introduction In India, it is considered a bad omen to have a widow at a wedding, as it is considered to bring the same fate upon the bride. This along with countless other superstitions about widows makes the lives of these women extremely difficult and trying. A businessman in Gujarat, Jitendra …


Introduction There is no denying the fact that this is the era of powerful women. Some of the greatest leaders and change-makers in the world are women. Women have more rights and opportunities than ever before. However, crimes against women are also at an all-time high. In 2013 itself, the …


Introduction Recently the Madras High Court passed a verdict that from the year 2016, all temples should have  a certain dress code for their devotees. From January 1, all men entering a temple in Tamil Nadu will have to either wear a dhoti and upper clothing or formal pant and shirts, …


Kambala Kambala is a traditional festival of buffalo racing, local to the southern coast of Karnataka, India. It is an extremely popular form of entertainment, and attracts many spectators – tourists and locals alike. The races take place on a muddy, slushy 160 metre track, where there are two teams; …


Introduction Reform: The oxford dictionary describes it as ‘Making changes in something in order to IMPROVE it’. Certainly, that is what the Modi-led-govt. would have thought while bringing in reforms in 15 sectors under the FDI Policy which include mining, defense, construction, real estate and plantation to name a few. But …


Introduction India is notorious for its prevalence of domestic and sexual abuse of women; it was estimated by The Times of India that ninety-two women are raped everyday in India, with 4 in India’s capital city—a city which has had its name tarnished by several major events that have led …


What is Yellow Journalism? The definition of Yellow Journalism states that Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. Yellow journalism is not a …


Natural bodily functions are often under attack by men. Menstruation (as natural as any other process humans possess), is often under harsh criticism in religious and public institutions. Religions present women in myriads of ways, yet women in the religious perspective and media eye continue to be poorly depicted. In …


Introduction Journalism today is in a word, dynamic. Newspaper readership have gone down significantly as online  journalism methods have become the norm. In addition to these new methods of media consumption, the ability to generate and self ­publish news is now in the hands of anyone with an internet connection, …


Introduction Journalism today is in a word, dynamic. Newspaper readership have gone down significantly as online  journalism methods have become the norm. In addition to these new methods of media consumption, the ability to generate and self ­publish news is now in the hands of anyone with an internet connection, …