With less than 2 weeks to go for everyone to start out with their New Year Resolutions, the Delhi Government that has aimed for perhaps the most challenging of resolutions for 2016. The recent declaration of the “odd-even rule” by the CM of Delhi, has been greeted with mixed responses. …


Occurrence of The Tragedy The tragedy of the recent Chennai floods, which, mercifully, as of Saturday has begun to abate, is that it could have been avoided (another matter that the city displayed tremendous character in dealing with the crisis, just as social media once again showed us that it …


Death Toll Rising While the nation was busy debating over the subjects far less important, victims of Chennai floods died. 400 are dead so far and the toll is still rising as the rescue teams search the ruins for any survivors. And now that we HAVE survivors, credit can only be …


The Day It All Started A city of 4.3 million people, Chennai faced the wettest November in a century this year. And December 1 probably broke all records with 490 mm rainfall, highest in 100 years resulting in bringing this city to a standstill. Roads flooded, industries shut down, people …


Insights into the terms- Globalization and brain-drain Globalization as a policy was passed in the 1990s in India and soon grew in importance as it gave the opportunity to understand and interact with the other countries. It is a progressive step forward for the citizens. Brain-drain is caused when the young, valuable talents leave …


Insights into the terms- Globalization and brain-drain Globalization as a policy was passed in the 1990s in India and soon grew in importance as it gave the opportunity to understand and interact with the other countries. It is a progressive step forward for the citizens. Brain-drain is caused when the young, valuable talents leave …


Introduction India’s sugar industry is one of the largest in the world; this industry also occupies a high position of importance within India—it is the second largest industry after the cotton textile industry. The main source of refined sugar is sugarcane; altogether, the Indian sugar industry employs almost 3 lakh …


Introduction It is a well-known actuality that the air pollution levels in Delhi are horrendously high—and that such high levels of particulate matter and toxic gases are released by vehicular engines. In fact, the air pollution levels have ranked Delhi as the most polluted city in the world; this consequently …


Introduction When we think of the word ‘depression’, the image that comes to mind is usually that of a person who’s down in the dumps or melancholic. Over time, it’s become synonymous with sadness or gloominess. However, depression is a real illness impacting the body mentally and often, physically. It …


What is Yellow Journalism? The definition of Yellow Journalism states that Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. Yellow journalism is not a …