Background of the Incident Last Saturday, two artists were detained by the police, after a controversy erupted regarding their plastic cow installation at the Third Summit of Jaipur Art Summit at the Jawahar Kala Kendra(JKK) in Jaipur. Why was the artwork misinterpreted? The cow had been suspended fifty feet high …


Introduction Journalism today is in a word, dynamic. Newspaper readership have gone down significantly as online  journalism methods have become the norm. In addition to these new methods of media consumption, the ability to generate and self ­publish news is now in the hands of anyone with an internet connection, …


Introduction Journalism today is in a word, dynamic. Newspaper readership have gone down significantly as online  journalism methods have become the norm. In addition to these new methods of media consumption, the ability to generate and self ­publish news is now in the hands of anyone with an internet connection, …


The LGBT Community in India Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, also known as the LGBT community, are no longer a minority in our society. Everyone is aware of their existence, some have even raised their voices for and against the rights that they deserve. As citizens of India, they are entitled to …


The LGBT Community in India Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, also known as the LGBT community, are no longer a minority in our society. Everyone is aware of their existence, some have even raised their voices for and against the rights that they deserve. As citizens of India, they are entitled to …


What is World Toilet Day All About? Since the year 2013, 19 November is celebrated as World Toilet Day. The aim of this day is to recognize the sanitation crisis across the world and urge the global community to take steps to solve this issue, since 1.3 billion people on the …


What is World Toilet Day All About? Since the year 2013, 19 November is celebrated as World Toilet Day. The aim of this day is to recognize the sanitation crisis across the world and urge the global community to take steps to solve this issue, since 1.3 billion people on the …


Introduction Being one of the most urbanised and developed cities in India, it is only natural that Bangalore should bear the brunt of severe overpopulation, as well as the subsequent repercussions that impact almost every citizen; the sheer number of complaints received from the residents, relating to sanitation, road safety …


Introduction Being one of the most urbanised and developed cities in India, it is only natural that Bangalore should bear the brunt of severe overpopulation, as well as the subsequent repercussions that impact almost every citizen; the sheer number of complaints received from the residents, relating to sanitation, road safety …


CGNet Swara was initially an experiment started out in 2004 from Chattisgarh, where they attempted to address the problems of local villagers in central India. They were keen on creating a new form of media such that, the grievances of people in villages in the most remote areas would find …