Background A combined initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development and the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the idea of “Gender Champions” is to be engaged by the University Grants Commission of the Indian Union government, in order to raise awareness about gender inequity among the masses. India …


Delhi is now considered to have air that is more toxic than any other city in the world. In 2013, Delhi had more than 10 times more smog particles of 2.5 microns than considered safe by the World Health Organization. With a population of over 10 million, the usage of diesel …


This past year we saw ‘women empowerment’ become a trending topic; it has been the most popular agenda of any political party trying to get votes in their favor; and women’s safety has been discussed and debated in almost every college society that has held an open debate. So you …


You don’t have to be gender queer to support those who are. Somehow, this concept has never been understood, nor accepted by all humans and hence, gender discrimination has gotten worse with the changing times. Over the years, humans have been able to say the word ‘homosexual’ or its informal …


The Red Market, a brilliant book written by Scott Carney talks about the illegal trading of the human body and its parts carried out for commercial purposes. Carney, a journalist, researched the ‘Global Body Bazaar’ for the purpose of writing this book and he stayed in India for over a …


Call it human tendency to want to figure out anything that resembles a riddle or the need to feed off tidbits from the lives of so-called, Page 3 personalities, the Sheena Bora Murder case is currently the cynosure of all minds and tongues. The alleged murder of Sheena Bora came …


This Raksha Bandhan, the gift for the women of Haryana was a safety network of the women, by the women, for the women. Twenty-one women-only police stations were set up in each district of the state of Haryana, the first one instated in Gurgaon. Why Haryana? According to the National …


General Idea Posing beside a huge pile of garbage dump, a broom in hand, sometimes complete with a Nehru jacket, the latest trend has become celebrities or stars coming out onto the roads and initiating cleanliness drives. The ‘Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan” initiated by our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, is one …


Check out this awesome video on coming to terms with the similarities between Indians and Pakistanis.


Background It is a widely known and an indisputable fact that a majority of the government primary and middle schools in India are of a poor quality—in fact, it was found that a Bihar teacher of a government school was unable to name India’s president at that time, and failed …