It is a well-known fact that elections involve a lot of money and manpower. The Election Commission is trying its best to clean up the electoral system, but the fact remains the same. Most parties are going with the candidates who can provide funds and muscle power. The historic ruling …


As the capital is under President’s Rule and the assembly in suspended animation, here are some of the problems that the capital city and its common man is suffering from: Lack Of Access To Officers At Secretriat The AAP government had promised easy access to the secretriat and the officers …


Watch this son give his mother the ultimate Mother’s Day gift!


Recent conflict between the US and India call into question the pros and cons of patent enforcement, as well as the need to protect both consumers and manufacturers of pharmaceutical products.  On April 30, the US Trade Representative refused to downgrade India for its intellectual property management.  In response, the US …


Check out this video which depicts the problems of pollution in India through a social experiment!


With traditional modes of family support declining and a growing number of their children migrating in search of better opportunities, thousands of elderly Indian parents are without any sort of physical, social, emotional and financial support and are as a result paying the price for it. Dumped and left alone to …


Issue Rape in India is a prominent issue that to this day has not been handled properly. If it were, the number of rape incidents wouldn’t be increasing dramatically. After the gang rape of a student in Delhi who lost her life, the number of reported rape incidents has doubled. …


1. Do Vote 2. Don’t Get Sold Out 3. Don’t Be Afraid 4. Choose the Right Candidate 5. Fight for Justice 6. Don’t Give Up 7. Keep the Future of the Country in Mind Yes, even Amitabh Bachchan Votes (and tweets)! #Vote4India! T 1462 – My selfie .. my vote .. my inked finger !! …


Traditional dating sites devoted to Indian populations feed into common stereotypes about caste and other factors that shouldn’t play a role in someone’s decision to date someone. This new site,, aims to do just that by using factors other than caste and creed to pair potential lovers together! In an …


It is SOO important that you keep your eyes open and take action when you see something like this! No, sexual harassment doesn’t only take place during the nighttime, our complacency and refusal to act allows it to take place in busy streets during busy hours. This is not acceptable!