Many forms of work are praised and glorified, because work is necessary in order for society to function. Some jobs however, are cruel, demeaning and dangerous. A prime example, one that sadly is all too common, is prostitution. Prostitution is not necessarily a job for the sex workers or victims …


This video does an outstanding job of putting into five minutes the problems of rape in India as well as great examples of solutions to get women the rights they deserve. Organizations, such as Avazz, make the biggest difference. All it takes is one leader to increase awareness on a topic …


“Womyn are wearing clothes to provoke men anyways.” “She didn’t fight back.” “She clearly was asking for it.” “Why give her legal help when she wanted it?” With atrocious influences such as the media, the oversexualization of young girls, and the belief that womyn create false reports to gain attention, …


Wherever you live, imagine the ties holding you to millions of other people into a cohesive country.  It is more than just the same government–would you cease to be connected if a new government was instituted?  No–Instead, there is a force, the force of nationalism–the sense of a cohesive identity …


Yoga originated in India many millennia ago. India then shared this secret of health and well being with the west, and we now see instances of how the west is thanking India for this tremendous knowledge in tangible ways. The term yoga can be derived from either of two roots, …


A recent IPCC report prophesies an increase in global temperatures ranging from .5 to 8.6 degrees Fahrenheit and a sea level rise of 32 inches. In developing nations such as India, warming poses a critical threat to infrastructure and industry. Already, India is at high risk of disaster due to …


The world’s largest democracy is holding elections, and politicians aren’t the only ones leading the political front. This election season, India has witnessed an increase in film and television personas taking part in the political fun. Faces we have all seen in the news recently include Nagma, Hema Malini, Raj …


Throughout history, women in India have been seen as inferior to men and therefore don’t have the same privileges and rights. Although India has progressed to some extent, there’s still undoubtedly a long way to go. Background India ranks 84th out of the 113 countries on The Economist’s Women’s Economic …


Many students in high school and college wonder, “How valuable is an education? Am I just wasting my time?” Well, here’s the answer. Education is Everything Without an education, there is no chance of decreasing poverty levels in the world. Not only that, but education is what provides the world …


Issue There are few things in the modern world that are as widely destructive and ever growing as global warming (otherwise known as climate change). As a global, anthropogenic  issue, it is no great surprise that India is seeing climate change’s effects more and more. UN Climate Change Chief, Rajendra …