India Caste System

This article is the first in a series of #TransformationTuesday articles that will look at the past, present, and future of social justice issues in India to create a more profound understanding among both Indians and non-Indians alike about issues that are much more complicated than they appear on surface. …


Indian Supreme Court

There’s a saying in Indian government – “प्रचा ही प्रभु है”. The aphorism “pracha hi prabhu hai” roughly translates to “the citizen is the king”, and reflects the idea that no office in the land should be higher than the office of citizen. Unfortunately, India’s political system fails to put …


Gulaab Gang Female Vigilantism

Gulaab Gang: The Movie Gulaab Gang (Rose Gang), directed by Soumik Sen, is a 2014 movie that portrays a gang of women who have taken justice into their own hands. Madhuri Dixist stars as the head of the Gulaab Gang, Rajjo, whose life goal is to increase girl’s education. They …


Boy sifts through landfill

If you watch Indian movies, then you may not realize that many of the scenes are shot in beautiful locations outside of India. A main reason for this is that the trash build up is making what was once a very beautiful country begin to look filthy.  Now, Indians are …


Widow Plays Holi

Vrindavan is considered to be the hometown of two Hindu deities, Radha and Krishna. The story of Holi goes that Krishna, who was blue-skinned, was upset that Radha was fair-skinned. Mother Yashoda tells him to color her face, so he applies color to her face and their love initiates. Holi is …


Gold is more than just something to accessorize with your silk sari for your next get-together. In India, gold is used quite literally on a daily basis, for culture, religion, and aesthetics. Every single day, women are found wearing gold head pieces, gold bangles, gold necklaces, gold earrings, and probably …


Boy Found Using WhatsApp

According to the National Crime Records Bureau, a child in India goes missing every eight minutes. As shocking as it is, almost 40% of these children haven’t been found. In 2011, West Bengal had the highest number of missing children at 12,000. Madhya Pradesh was next with 7,797 cases, while Delhi …


Mother Nature seems to be falling to a new trend these days, and it has quite literally taken the world by storm.  Referred to as a “smog epidemic”, the trend can be seen in places like Indonesia and France, where the majority of citizens have suffered the consequences— Paris recently …


Hate Speech India

The Indian Supreme Court has asked for an investigation, and possibly guidelines, on hate speech made by political, social, and religious leaders. The Pravasi Bhalai Sanghatan, a non-governmental organization, had asked the Supreme Court to issue guidelines. They believe hate speech is detrimental to democracy and threatens the social fabric …


India Women Voters

A commonly cited fact is that India is the world’s largest democracy. It needs to be cleared up that this only refers to the population of India and not the strength of the democracy. As elections are rolling around in India, it is important to take a look at the …