Neech Speech       When Congressman Mani Shankar Aiyer called Narendra Modi a ‘neech’ person, it is dubious as to whether or not he meant it as a caste or class insult. He probably meant to describe the current Prime Minister with the perfectly classless and caste-less insult ‘vile.’ But the unscrupulous …


Introduction Over one-sixth of India’s population, some 170 million people, live among a precarious existence shunned by much of Indian society because of their rank as “untouchables” or Dalits—literally meaning “broken” people—at the bottom of India’s caste system. Dalits are historically discriminated against, denied access to land and basic resources, …


“#WhoKilledRagu” It was not just an accident or a slap on the face of political parties who follow a traditional way of unnecessarily showing off their strength. Is it necessary to fund publicity that costs a huge amount of money? Why don’t they spend the same money to help the …


A very disturbing claim has been brought forward by political parties after almost every election in 2017. Be it the assembly elections in the state of Uttar Pradesh or the municipal elections in Delhi and U.P, the allegations are that the EVM’s have been rigged. However, the election commission has …


In the Rohingya refugee crisis, India’s deviation from its historic stand on international refugees, which has always been one of offering protection and acceptance, not only risks losing the moral high ground we had enjoyed until now on the world stage, but also lowers the bar for ourselves, in terms …


The Current State Of Politics         ‘Loyalty to the country – always. Loyalty to the government – only when it deserves it.’ These wise words of Mark Twain come to us when we think of the situation of Indian politics in today’s world. While the current central government has undertaken some …


Recently a Congress member from Nagaland has been arrested on the charges of creating and posting the December 20 fake/forged letter written by chief minister T.R Zeliang and addressed to the governor of Nagaland. It stated that, in pursuance to the resolution adopted in the assembly and owing to strong …


Prime Minister Modi on Constitution Day, once again put forth the idea of, “one nation one election.” He pointed out that elections nowadays are very costly and the year round elections affect the decision making ability of the government. The election commission has always supported the idea and expressed its …


Introduction According to the Global Nutrition report, 2017, 51% of Indian Women (aged between 15 and 48 years) are anaemic. India has the largest number of anaemic women in the world.  Even Pakistan, Nigeria and Indonesia have reduced their percentage of anaemic women significantly. Women with less than 12 grams/deciliter …


Death And Destruction A gentle breeze is definitely not fitting to describe tropical cyclone ‘ Ockhi.’ With wind speeds gaining up to 165 km per hour, Ockhi has been wreaking havoc in Tamil Nadu, Kerala. The government of Kerala described Ockhi as ‘an unprecedented calamity,’ necessitating the rescue of more …