Social Inclusion Initiative: Earn Rs. 2.5 Lakh For Marrying A Dalit

Introduction Over one-sixth of India’s population, some 170 million people, live among a precarious existence shunned by much of Indian society because of their rank as “untouchables” or Dalits—literally meaning “broken” people—at the bottom of India’s caste system. Dalits are historically discriminated against, denied access to land and basic resources, …
Why India Hasn’t Been Able to Get Rid of Manual Scavenging

Introduction Manual scavenging refers to the practice of manually cleaning, carrying or handling human feces from dry latrines and sewers. In March this year, three workers died while cleaning a sewer in Bangalore. Similar incidents were reported from other parts of Karnataka as well. In the midst of all this, …
Exclusion in Indian Education: Students Marginalized by Caste and Religion

In the world’s largest democracy, where millions of adherents to every major religion of the world reside, some Indian teachers have forced children of lower castes, such as Dalits, and minority religions, such as Islam, to sit separately and clean classrooms and toilets comprising the “persistent” discrimination in Indian classrooms. …
#TransformationTuesday: The Caste System

This article is the first in a series of #TransformationTuesday articles that will look at the past, present, and future of social justice issues in India to create a more profound understanding among both Indians and non-Indians alike about issues that are much more complicated than they appear on surface. …