
What is Bandhua Mazdoori? In a society that feeds off exploitation, bonded labor or ‘bandhua mazdoori’ is more mainstream than we presume. Thanks to poor implementation of laws and under-researched strategies that are failing to meet their goal of reducing bandhua mazdoori rates, approximately 18 million citizens are victims of slavery …


Background: After the festivities of the new year’s eve, Maharashtra had a gloomy start to the year. iA cycle of events was put into motion which exposed the deep-rooted crevices in the Indian society. The ugly monster named ‘Caste’ reared its ugly head to remind us of the truth of …


Introduction Over one-sixth of India’s population, some 170 million people, live among a precarious existence shunned by much of Indian society because of their rank as “untouchables” or Dalits—literally meaning “broken” people—at the bottom of India’s caste system. Dalits are historically discriminated against, denied access to land and basic resources, …


In the world’s largest democracy, where millions of adherents to every major religion of the world reside, some Indian teachers have forced children of lower castes, such as Dalits, and minority religions, such as Islam, to sit separately and clean classrooms and toilets comprising the “persistent” discrimination in Indian classrooms. …