
About 12 million children are living with disabilities in India today. Only 1% of these children have access to school, and the few that do usually don’t go beyond basic education. Most people with disabilities in India don’t live past the age of 40, and very few are employed. The Problem …


In the world’s largest democracy, where millions of adherents to every major religion of the world reside, some Indian teachers have forced children of lower castes, such as Dalits, and minority religions, such as Islam, to sit separately and clean classrooms and toilets comprising the “persistent” discrimination in Indian classrooms. …


Given heightened exposure in media coverage and popular culture, the presence of extraordinary pressure and reduced real-world value in the Indian education system has undergone a transition into the spotlight. Despite recent changes in CBSE (the government-run board of education in India) exams geared towards fostering higher-order analytical thinking among …


Overview In 2009, India passed the Right to Education Act, which indicates that kids between the ages of 6 to 14 will attend school and be given the supplies needed to attend. However, the question arises as to what is the best strategy is to engage the minorities that are incapable …


About Goa: Goa is the smallest state by area in India, however, this doesn’t prevent it from being the one of the wealthiest. With its beaches, flora and fauna, and unique history, both international and domestic tourists visit the beautiful state every year. Because of this, Goa has a GDP …


A recent IPCC report prophesies an increase in global temperatures ranging from .5 to 8.6 degrees Fahrenheit and a sea level rise of 32 inches. In developing nations such as India, warming poses a critical threat to infrastructure and industry. Already, India is at high risk of disaster due to …


Many students in high school and college wonder, “How valuable is an education? Am I just wasting my time?” Well, here’s the answer. Education is Everything Without an education, there is no chance of decreasing poverty levels in the world. Not only that, but education is what provides the world …


Work- n. service done in exchange for money. Work isn’t a pleasant activity; it’s tedious and difficult, however, it’s done in order to survive. When you think of an average worker, you think of an adult, not a child. In India, that is unfortunately not the case. There, many children …


In our current generation, many students, especially Indian students, experience copious amounts of pressure to succeed and do well. The academic atmosphere has become plagued by competition, which translates into more pressure to succeed and surpass fellow colleagues. This echoes in all aspects of life and affects people of all …


Violent conflicts have plagued humanity since the beginning of its existence, but few can equal the brutality and extensiveness as that of the Kashmir Valley conflict in South Asia (between India and Pakistan). Kashmir is no stranger to forgetting its children in the storms of war and aggression. The horrific …