
 The people living in the National Capital region usually start bursting crackers from the Dhanteras onwards. But this year, the Diwali celebrations were sober. Did the ban of bursting crackers, by the SC, reduce the fervor that the festival usually brings with it? Anyway, there are a few section of …


Diwali, once known and celebrated as the festival of lights, has today come to represent a fatal show of noise and air pollution. Amid the setup of crackers burning at every nook and corner of the country during this auspicious festival, the people of New Delhi have endeavored to burn …


Introduction As reported in The Times of India, “Delhi’s air pollution levels are among the worst in the world”. Indeed, a government agency recently detected a high concentration of ultrafine particulate matter (an extremely dangerous class of pollutants) in the atmosphere of Delhi, even in the cleaner, less populous regions …