
Introduction Imagine a hospital where a heart surgery would set you back only about US$1,600. The healthcare dreams of many people are being fulfilled at Narayana Health, a chain of hospitals offering complex surgeries like valve replacement at low lying costs. Headquartered in Bengaluru, India, they provide advanced levels of …


A  report from UNAIDS released on July 20, 2017 says that for the first time in history more than 50% of patients with AIDS have access to treatment. “We met the 2015 target of 15 million people on treatment, and we are on track to double that number to 30 …


The Red Market, a brilliant book written by Scott Carney talks about the illegal trading of the human body and its parts carried out for commercial purposes. Carney, a journalist, researched the ‘Global Body Bazaar’ for the purpose of writing this book and he stayed in India for over a …


Recent conflict between the US and India call into question the pros and cons of patent enforcement, as well as the need to protect both consumers and manufacturers of pharmaceutical products.  On April 30, the US Trade Representative refused to downgrade India for its intellectual property management.  In response, the US …


Each year, between 600,000 and 700,000 people in India die of cancer. Several factors contribute to this, including unequal access to health care, overuse of tobacco, and late diagnosis. Less than 1/3 of patients with cancer will survive after diagnosis. If the problem is not dealt with soon, the death …


India Polio Eradication

This article is the second in a series of #TransformationTuesday articles that will look at the past, present, and future of social justice issues in India to create a more profound understanding among both Indians and non-Indians alike about issues that are much more complicated than they appear on surface. …


TB India Private

Today is World Tuberculosis Day Tuberculosis is a disease caused by a bacterial infection and spread through coughing and sneezing. Some key facts from the World Health Organization (WHO): Tuberculosis (TB) is second only to HIV/AIDS as the greatest killer worldwide due to a single infectious agent. In 2012, 8.6 …