Operation Dhangu: Was It Really A Success?

Background of the Incident An attack took place in Pathankot, a city in Punjab, which also happens to a part of the Western Air Command of the Indian Air Force. It began on the second of January, when six terrorists entered the air force base, dressed heavily in army uniforms. …
OROP: Right to Equality in a new ‘Avatar’
Introduction – Koshyari Committee and OROP “Equality for one and for all” – A phrase that hits the headlines time and again, be it from any part of the society- Equality for women, equality in terms of caste and religion (reservation system). Now, it is coming from the defense services, …
OROP: What We Know and What We Get
Plight of ex-military men Someone has rightly said that loyalty comes at a price. Indian defence forces are considered as one of the rare centrally governed bodies which are still insulated from the stigmas of corruption. No matter what, where, when a problem arises, we find Indian defence forces at …
Sri Lankan Army Accused of Mistreating Women
To enroll in the armed forces is to dedicate and devote your life for the sake of your nation; it is the most honorable and noble service you can provide for your country. But for the women of Sri Lanka, being in the army is not an honor, but a …