Breakthrough India: Empowering Women Since 2000

Speaking out about gender issues is one thing, but actually being heard is another battle in its own. A myriad of organizations fight to raise awareness and reform societal norms surrounding gender issues. One of these award-winning organizations, Breakthrough India, is effectively getting through to society and transforming the trends …
The Backwards Label

Why everyone’s favorite adjective for Bihar is just plain wrong Six weeks ago, I travelled to Bihar by car from West Bengal. I was full of ideas of what I’d find. Caste Wars. Violence. Extreme poverty. Corruption . One word in particular had polluted my entire perception of Bihar before …
Connecting India’s Villages with Successful Village Migrants

A rather common question asked amongst Indians on being acquainted with one another is regarding their “native place”; the village, town, or city that the person originally belongs to. Having been born in the southern city of Chennai, but brought up in the western city of Pune; with my mother …
White Bindis: New Tools in the Fight Against Child Marriage

Child marriage is a dangerous, repugnant concept that, despite laws and regulations, is a massive part of our world today. Unfortunately, South Asia holds the winning title, contributing with the largest number of child brides on Earth. Child marriage is nothing but a violation of human rights and a compromise …