Putting an End to Racial Profiling: Equality for Northeast Indians
India is often hailed as one of the world’s most culturally rich countries, with the cuisine, dialect and clothing changing every few kilometers. So while remaining politically stable and giving equal representation to all communities is certainly a challenge, the discrimination of Indians from the North East is unacceptable. Some …
Shiv Sena Offers Cash Reward for Families That Have More Than 10 Kids

Background Shiv Sena is India’s right wing Hinduvta organization that aims to increase the dominance of Hindus in India. They are known for causing communal problems with minority religions and de-secularizing India as much possible. The Uttar Pradesh branch of the organization (the political party of which is currently in power with the …
R-A-C-I-S-M and the National Spelling Bee

Ansun Sunjoe and Sriram Hathwar were named co-champions of the Scripps National Spelling Bee on May 29th when they spelled the words “feuilleton” and “sticomythia”, respectively, in front of an audience of millions. Their win marks the first time since 1962 two winners have been declared – and, on a …
No, All Brown People are Not Cab Drivers

Hari Kondabolu on the David Letterman Show: …Apparently, she’s so racist, she looks at the color of the driver, before looking at the color of the car.