Social Experiment on Hunger and Giving

Even if the sample size is small, it is still heartbreaking to think that anyone would deny food to someone hungry, especially when juxtaposed with even one man who shared his food despite being impoverished himself. Sadly, empathy is a stronger force than sympathy.
If You Saw This on the Street Would You Take Action?

If you saw a poor person on the street being beaten would you take action or would you walk on by? Watch this social experiment to see what members of the public did.
This Prank Reveals Something That Runs Deep In India

This prank functions as an excellent social experiment to help people realize the prevalence of the bystander effect in India! #IfYouSeeSomethingDoSomething
Please Do Something Next Time You See This

Another social experiment on women’s public harassment and the public’s tendency to not step in. Bystanders are just as responsible for the crimes.