Basic Design Considerations for the Roof Skin

Introduction Ours is a tropical country. Nature bestows on us vast amounts of sunlight almost every day. In fact, all the energy stored in the fossil fuels world-over equates the amount of sunlight received by earth for a span of just three days! One of the easiest and best ways …
Freedom from Darkness: A Village in Bihar Powers Itself With Solar Energy

Introduction Dharnai is a small village in Bihar (one of India’s poorest states) and has been unable to get government provided electricity for over 30 years. Greenpeace India has recently solved their problem to help power the village using solar energy! The Problem According to the organization, small shops in …
India: the Land of Untapped Solar Potential

Have you ever wondered how much your car gives off in emissions that can affect the globe and atmosphere? Tons of CO2 is emitted every year through cars, factories, and many other sources. How will this problem be solved in order to save the earth and its inhabitants? This is …