The Dark Side Of Entrance Exams: Suicide Over Failing NEET

On September 1st, 2017, Anita a medical aspirant from Tamil Nadu committed suicide after failing to secure a medical seat through NEET exams. Before taking this extreme measure, Anita led the fight against NEET in Tamil Nadu. Most of the articles about this incident focused on political feuds, questioned the …
The Blue Whale Challenge: Just a Step Away From Death

Another teenage death in the country because of the Blue Whale Challenge; reason given by the culprit is astonishing, more or less a depressed teen targeting others in the name of society Even though Philipp Budeikin(creator of the game) is arrested; the Blue Whale Challenge is still taking lives of …
Blue Whale Challenge: The Suicide Game Gripping Teenagers

Introduction Game is defined as an activity that people engage in for amusement and leisure. With the emergence of social media, many youngsters have become hooked to online gaming. However, very often it’s difficult for us to distinguish what is good and bad on the internet. One such example is …
Nooses are Strangling the Future of the World

In January last year, Rohith Vemula, a research scholar in Hyderabad University sparked a furious controversy when he committed suicide for some ambiguous reasons. The last note of his life that he left, reads “I am not hurt at this moment. I am not sad. I am just empty. Unconcerned about myself. That’s …