[Video] Watch Jidnya Pandya Spill Her Heart Out in “One Less Lonely Night”

We love to see young poets produce such pure and raw content!
[Video] Hindustani Musalmaan By Hussain Haidry

“With the new President of the United States, Donald Trump’s openly anti-Muslim stand, the rise of ISIS and the widespread Islamophobia around the world, being a Muslim comes with its own set of stereotypes and challenges. In this goosebumps-inducing, powerful poem titled “Hindustani Musalmaan”, Hussain Haidry echoes his sentiments about …
[Video]: A Young Woman’s Message To Her Father

Check out this video of a young woman named Afreen Khan sending a strong and heartfelt message to her father discussing the struggles she faced as a consequence of his actions. She brings forward an important message of the importance of fatherhood in a child’s life.
Pradip Sarmah Uses the Rickshaw for Social Change

Check out how Pradip Sarmah drives social change with rickshaws!
These Questions Reveal Ignorance About Northeast India

Watch until the fifth minute if you don’t know the answers either. Also, if you want to read more on this topic, check out this article.
Corruption and Bribery Are Not Values We Want to Teach Our Children

India has a huge problem with bribery and corruption, as most of India’s problems are somehow related to them. This short video shows us how we are bringing up children to think that bribery and corruption are normal parts of life. This needs to change if India really wants to …
Kahan Hain Gandhi: An Inspirational Video on India's Problems

Kahan Hain Gandhi (Where is Gandhi) is a 3 minute video that brings to the light all the things going on in India that Gandhi would not have been proud of. Is this really what we want to thank Mahatma Gandhi with? An insult to all his work? It is …