
Dowry in India: Dowry is outlawed in India, and yet it affects women all around the country. Myth of Love Jihad in India NRI Marriages and Indian Women Divorce in India Domestic Violence in India    


Introduction Human trafficking has forced many women and girls into slavery in India. Women and girls are mainly trafficked for three reasons: sexual exploitation, forced labor, and forced marriage. All three reasons make the lives of these women and girls very difficult. This is one of the largest issues facing …


Introduction Honor killings are popular in India as a way for the family to bring back “lost honor” after a family member “dishonors” the family. Honor is a very important concept in Indian society where there is a lot of importance placed on societal norms; either religious, community-based, or national …


Introduction Victim blaming in India makes life very difficult for rape survivors. They are often told that the rape occurred because they made a mistake or provoked men to the point of rape. They are told ridiculous myths about rape and sex and made to shame themselves rather than stand …


Introduction Caste-based rape is a tool of domination that the upper castes use against lower caste women. The lowest caste, Dalits (or untouchables), face sexual violence from higher castes. There is a huge history of caste violence and inter-caste warfare that precedes modern-day caste-based sexual violence. However, one striking historical …


Introduction Marital rape is unfortunately considered separate from other forms of rape. Since a woman is considered her husband’s property, it is impossible for the husband to do anything wrong with “his” property. Although, modern society has moved towards providing autonomy to women, there is still work to be done …