मेरा नाम शीबा है और मैं दिल्ली की दक्षिण-पूर्व दिशा में राजीव नगर की निवासी हूँ। मैं इस निबंध के द्वारा आपको अपने इलाके की अच्छाइयों से अवगत करना चाहती हूँ।  मेरे इलाके की एक ख़ास बात यह है की  लोगो में बहुत एकता है।  सब लोग आपस में प्रेम …


ज़िन्दगी एक सुन्दर सपना है. ज़िन्दगी वोह नहीं है जो हम सोचते है . ज़िन्दगी वोह है जिसमे हम दूसरों के लिए पुण्य कार्य करते है. दूसरों का दर्द समझने से हमें बहुत कुछ सीखने को मिलता है . मगर हम ज़्यादातर लोगों का मजाक उड़ाते हैं . हम कभी …


Magic Bus is equipping India’s poorest children and youth with the skills to stay in school, move onto college, and take control of their future. The Problem India is one of 135 countries where education is a fundamental right. On April 1st 2010, the country took an ambitious step by …


Give Girls a Chance to succeed – 100% of funds raised at this month’s galas go directly to programs! At Magic Bus, 98% of adolescent girls attend secondary school regularly. This is double the Indian national average of 46%. This month, YOU can act now and give at-risk children a …


Check out this awesome video on coming to terms with the similarities between Indians and Pakistanis.


Check out how Pradip Sarmah drives social change with rickshaws!  


Our September Changemaker Award goes to Ratna Gill for her work with Gyaan Ghar Learning Center. You can donate here, and be sure to follow them on Facebook! About the Changemaker Ratna is a Harvard Economics student passionate about the nexus of poverty alleviation and sustainable development. Hailing from Washington, …


Q: In a few short sentences, what does your non-profit do? DESIRE FOUNDATION, pledges to transform lives of people on the edges of society, supervise events and uplift the scholastic & cultural heritage of our Nation. Q: What need do you fulfil and why is your organization unique? A major …


In a few short sentences, what does your non-profit do? Autism is a complex developmental disability that affects a large and often unidentified population, leading to lifelong challenges. Action for Autism (AFA; www.autism-india.org) is a national voluntary organisation of parents and professionals that has pioneered the cause of autism in …


In a few short sentences, what does your non-profit do? Asha for Education is a fully volunteer-run, very low overhead organization working towards socio-economic change in India through the education of under-privileged children. We have 40+ chapters in the USA with sister organizations in Canada, Europe and India – all …