A Verdant Vista and Tourist Attraction?

The Village of Mawlynnong India is known for its hidden gems of beauty, for its modest realms of serenity. Mawlynnong is a village located in the East Khasi Hills district in Meghalaya; it is a minute village, with only about 500 residents. However, despite its locational obscurity and minuscule population, …
Smart Cities: A Smart Solution?

Introduction It is an embarrassing fact that India has become a land of disparities—for one can see dismal, tumbledown houses—enmeshed in the chains of poverty, being shadowed by intimidating skyscrapers—the very epitomes of luxury and wealth. The contrast is becoming starker by the day; therefore, now is the time to …
Caste Discrimination: The Bane of Indian Society

Introduction The Dalits have been constant victims of defamation within college campuses, and are almost always subjected to different forms of discrimination by the students and teachers alike. In fact, many tribal students in universities have complained that they “did not receive the kind of support other students received from …
The Indian Crop Insurance Scheme

Introduction to the Crop Insurance Scheme The Indian government has approved of a $1.3 billion Prime Minister crop insurance scheme for farmers and cultivators, in order to protect them from crop failures, and the depression and misery that ensue in their wake. Indeed, the year-long drought that is steadily annihilating …
A Whale-Sized Problem

Mass Stranding of Pilot Whales As reported by BBC News, “The number of short-finned pilot whales who have died after they were stranded on a beach in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu has risen to 73, officials said”. Indeed, this issue of mass stranding has become rampant on the …
Balaknama: A Step Forward

Child Labour in Delhi It is no secret that there are vast numbers of young children in India’s capital city who are forced to engage in child labour; however, what is all the more depressing is the fact that most of these cases are left unknown and unreported. Indeed, …
An Enlightening New Year Message

Introduction India is notorious for its prevalence of domestic and sexual abuse of women; it was estimated by The Times of India that ninety-two women are raped everyday in India, with 4 in India’s capital city—a city which has had its name tarnished by several major events that have led …
A Sweet Decision?: Dumping Sugar into Global Markets

Introduction India’s sugar industry is one of the largest in the world; this industry also occupies a high position of importance within India—it is the second largest industry after the cotton textile industry. The main source of refined sugar is sugarcane; altogether, the Indian sugar industry employs almost 3 lakh …
The Battle Against Air Pollution in Delhi

Introduction It is a well-known actuality that the air pollution levels in Delhi are horrendously high—and that such high levels of particulate matter and toxic gases are released by vehicular engines. In fact, the air pollution levels have ranked Delhi as the most polluted city in the world; this consequently …
Powerful Action to Prevent Further Sales of Firecrackers in Delhi

Introduction As reported in The Times of India, “Delhi’s air pollution levels are among the worst in the world”. Indeed, a government agency recently detected a high concentration of ultrafine particulate matter (an extremely dangerous class of pollutants) in the atmosphere of Delhi, even in the cleaner, less populous regions …