Wake Up: A Video to Bring Awareness to Women's Abuse

It’s okay to speak up against domestic violence. It’s take courage to leave those situations and everyone will respect you for it. Don’t put up with cowardly actions. This is a problem that many people ignore and it’s time for that to change.
One Father's Perspective On Rape Changes Completely When His Daughter Is Involved

Rape is never okay! Stop the victim blaming! If this action is needed to change mindsets than we should all be calling every household to make the point clear. Why is it that we have to drill into people’s heads that every woman is someone’s daughter, sister, mother, or wife? …
#TheMistakeGirlsMake: A Trending Hashtag That Shows the Sexism in India

This new hashtag that is trending in India on Twitter: #TheMistakeGirlsMake is a scary indication of the mindset that many Indian men (and even some women) carry. Here are a few that are shocking: 1. The Same Attitude As The Guy Who Killed People in California Not Falling In Love With Me. …
Indian Women Stand Up to Patriarchy in This Great Video

“Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings.” ~ Cheris Kramarae Half of the world is made up of women, yet people continue to oppress and discriminate against them. These women are done with it. Hear them speak up. We all ought to listen to them and become more aware of …
Indian Supreme Court Updates: May 31st-June 6th

SC Stays Execution of Yakub Memon Yakub Abudl Razak Memon was convicted of being responsible for the 1993 Mumbai Blasts. The court stayed the execution and has referred a plea to hear the case in open court, rather than in chamber proceedings, to the Constitution bench. The TADA court originally …
Gender Discrimination Evident in Rural Indian Women's Breast Feeding Practices

A study was recently published in the International Journal of Health Sciences and Research that studied rural women and breast feeding practices with twin infants (one male and one female). The Study The study had 200 mothers with one infant of each gender. Of the 400 infants, only 210 of them …
Child Marriages: A Prevalent Issue in India and Other Countries

There are many considerations to discuss when we focus on child marriage. We can look at the impact to the child, the bride or bridegroom, the effect on their lives, emotionally, physically and biologically. We can look at the consequence child marriage can have on their family, the community and …
This Ad Makes a "Bold" Claim: Women Are Not Kitchen Appliances

An all too common requirement of Indian women is the ability to cook, so that they can feed their future husbands. This ad challenges that ridiculous notion less than a minute!
Inhumane and Heart Wrenching: Rape and Murder of Two Young Girls

The brutal, inhumane, and disgusting rape of two young girls is the most heart wrenching thing I’ve ever read. This struck me hard because I have a sister of the same age. But the melancholy that I am overcome with is not because I am an older brother, but because I …
Researchers Studied Uttarakhand Farm Women for Agriculture Information Needs

A study, “Agriculture information needs of farm women: A study in State of north India,” recently published in the African Journal of Agricultural Research sought to figure out three key things: (1) to find out the socio- personal, communication characteristics of the farm women; (2) to study their information seeking …