Times of India has hit a new rock bottom. They have proven that India is still a “man’s world” and that the basic respect that women deserve is no where to be found. Last week, the Times of India twitter account posted a picture of Deepika Padukone with “her cleavage …


The BJP is starting to undo the equality that was barely achieved for the substantial portion of the Indian population that identifies with the third gender. In April, India’s Supreme Court ruled that the third gender would be recognized by the government. Although this didn’t do much to tackle the …


It’s amazing and sad how much polarity is in the world when it comes to appreciating water. This video does a fantastic job of portraying those poles. It sometimes becomes easy to take simple things for granted, but videos like this do a great job of humbling us to the worlds problems.


Background Some films are silly and stupid, and do nothing but let us pass time with a few laughs. On the other hand, some movies are powerful, and they hit us emotionally and stay with us for years to come. And some movies just give us insight into something or …


The ice bucket challenge put amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in the national spotlight. Everyone from George W. Bush to Lady Gaga participated. Even some Indians have done it – here’s a video of Akshay Kumar. With the ALS Association reporting over $70.2 million in donations, the movement has been hugely successful …


Bollywood Actress Parineeti Chopra won’t stand for the stupid argument that women just start to despise sex and call it rape for that reason. It’s important for more actors and actresses to take stances like this to help crush these ignorant comments.


It’s a little surprising that the same people telling the child that smoking is poor for health have cigarettes in their hands! People need to set a better example for the youth.


Watch this video and tell me that sexism doesn’t exist, that women are given equal treatment to men, and that those advocating for women’s rights are making up things to hurt men. I dare you.


Why everyone’s favorite adjective for Bihar is just plain wrong Six weeks ago, I travelled to Bihar by car from West Bengal. I was full of ideas of what I’d find. Caste Wars. Violence. Extreme poverty. Corruption . One word in particular had polluted my entire perception of Bihar before …


In response to criticism of her weight and body, Actress Huma Qureshi put out a bold cover for the widely read women’s magazine, Femina. I can’t tell you how uncomfortable I’ve felt in my skin right from the time I started working in ad films and then moved on to feature-length films. I understand …