This spoken word poetry by Pooja Nansi is moving. She challenges western portrayals and perspectives of India and shows us why language isn’t enough to spur understanding. Share with others if you have the same question as Nansi: one quick thing white boy wherever it is you came from didn’t …


Recently, India played Sri Lanka in the final of the T20 Cricket World Cup. It was a rematch of the 2011 Cricket World Cup Final which India won. However, this time India suffered a different fate, and the heavily favored team lost to Sri Lanka. While the Indian fans all had …


Recent evidence points to one issue responsible for India’s poverty. This one problem seems to be at the heart of all corruption; it has been the driving force behind unemployment and inequality in India for the past five decades. Officially cited as illegal funds in foreign tax havens, the issue …


As global pollution continues to skyrocket, ash begins to cloud the air and acid rain begins to fall. In the Indian city of Chandrapur, noxious chemicals such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are regularly produced by the twelve local power plants. Numerous additional factors contribute to the city’s rising pollution …


April 15th, 2014 is a date that should make every Indian feel proud of their country. It was on this day that the Indian Supreme Court officially recognized transgender people as a third gender. In a world where change is not accepted with open arms, India has taken a huge step towards …


What? Shhh… Can you hear that? Me neither. Women still aren’t speaking up in India to get their place in society. For centuries, women have been seen as inferior and therefore are given less importance in society. Whether it is trying to get justice after being sexually harassed or trying to …


The economic condition of the county has been a major issue in the general elections for political parties to dwell upon. So, we look at some of the major economic challenges to be faced by the new government: Delivering A Responsible Budget The new government will have to present a …


If I were to make a joke about the status of India’s weather, it would probably get classified as an example of ‘dry’ humor. Although it is known for having an arid climate, India can usually look forward to heavy rains and flooding during monsoon season to hydrate its lands and produce …


Background Sports are the lifeblood of society. They increase nationalism for the state, support economies, and determine the credibility of countries. With the 2nd most population in the world and as a rising major world power, India consistently takes hits to their credibility with increasing sports corruption. In light of …


In today’s era of modernization, women have made their presence felt in almost every field and politics is no exception. Although India is known for its male chauvinist society, the ice is now gradually breaking. Indian politics is now defined and governed by majority of women politicians. The current parliament …