Viva Fighting For Women

Female feticide and infanticide have become such a disturbingly common aspect of India to the appalling point where it causes one to seriously wonder what fuels this. Devesh Lal is a Network Consultant in India for the international christian children’s charity, Viva. Lal believes that women have no voice in India, so they don’t …


 Hinduism dates back further than 5000 BCE. It has spread to many parts of Asia, and for the past seven thousand years, Hindus have settled all over Asia. One such region where Hinduism has flourished is Afghanistan. In this once beautiful region, Hindus were able to peacefully observe their many …


Child marriage is a dangerous, repugnant concept that, despite laws and regulations, is a massive part of our world today. Unfortunately, South Asia holds the winning title, contributing with the largest number of child brides on Earth. Child marriage is nothing but a violation of human rights and a compromise …


Preserving your family’s dignity and honor is an important idea in many orthodox Indian families.  What better way to keep the family’s reputation in tact than to marry your daughter off to someone of equal or better socioeconomic status? It all works out doesn’t it? The family’s remains a respected …


Bihar, in an ambitious move, seeks to improve conditions on a tiger reserve—not only by helping the animals themselves, but by creating the largest grassland in India’s recent history. If new measures are successful, over 800 acres of the Valmiki Tiger Reserve will be converted from forest to grassland in order …


With all the talk of increased civil rights for minority groups in India following the recent events that brought to the forefront issues such as rape and corruption, one crucial section of the movement has been left remarkably bare: gay rights. Despite India’s status as the world’s largest democracy and …


IT Worker Honor Killing

In the southern state of Andhra Pradesh a 26 year-old IT worker was found strangled at home. Police say that it was a rare “honor killing.” The people who are responsible for this deceitful act are her mother and father. How could these parents kill their own daughter? The simple answer …


India's Electricity Problem

Relations between India and Pakistan have never been ideal: as the two nations’ respective social and political differences polarize more and more with each coming decade of conflict, tensions have proportionately escalated. But just yesterday, interactions took an interestingly positive turn as India finalized a trade with Pakistan, agreeing to …


Tirupati Mandir Going Green

Background: India is a country with a population of over a billion people.  The nation has ample necessity and opportunity to use more sustainable sources of energy. There are many places across the country where this is taking place.  One very prominent and inspirational example is in Tirumala. The Problem: …


With the 16th Lok Sabha (Lower House) Elections coming up India is witnessing a boom in political activities. The political parties have started campaigning in full swing. The Election Commission of India (ECI) announced the election schedule on 5th March 2014. The Elections for the 543 parliamentary seats will be held …