Examination or Education in Indian Schools?
Given heightened exposure in media coverage and popular culture, the presence of extraordinary pressure and reduced real-world value in the Indian education system has undergone a transition into the spotlight. Despite recent changes in CBSE (the government-run board of education in India) exams geared towards fostering higher-order analytical thinking among …
Is There Hope for Prostitutes in India
Many forms of work are praised and glorified, because work is necessary in order for society to function. Some jobs however, are cruel, demeaning and dangerous. A prime example, one that sadly is all too common, is prostitution. Prostitution is not necessarily a job for the sex workers or victims …
New Possibilities in Education for Indian Students
Many students in high school and college wonder, “How valuable is an education? Am I just wasting my time?” Well, here’s the answer. Education is Everything Without an education, there is no chance of decreasing poverty levels in the world. Not only that, but education is what provides the world …
Think Getting into Harvard is Hard? Try IIT.
Take a guess at the most selective college in the world— a college so selective, not even Kwasi Ennis would get in. We’re not talking about the prestigious Ivy League here. We’re referring to The Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT), which has an acceptance rate of roughly 2% among 500,000 …
Child Labor: A Pervasive Tragedy
Work- n. service done in exchange for money. Work isn’t a pleasant activity; it’s tedious and difficult, however, it’s done in order to survive. When you think of an average worker, you think of an adult, not a child. In India, that is unfortunately not the case. There, many children …
The Price of Success: Are Parents Stealing their Children's Childhoods?
In our current generation, many students, especially Indian students, experience copious amounts of pressure to succeed and do well. The academic atmosphere has become plagued by competition, which translates into more pressure to succeed and surpass fellow colleagues. This echoes in all aspects of life and affects people of all …
Fighting for the Disabled: Ending Ableism in India
In a country like India where social standing plays a significant role, being disabled means facing severe discrimination. Over 40-60 million Indian citizens are classified as disabled. In some cases, disabled children are shut away from the judgmental phenomenon of society. Others are left to fend for themselves as beggars on the …
Viva Charity: Empowering Women to Fight Female Feticide
Female feticide and infanticide have become such a disturbingly common aspect of India to the appalling point where it causes one to seriously wonder what fuels this. Devesh Lal is a Network Consultant in India for the international christian children’s charity, Viva. Lal believes that women have no voice in India, so they don’t …
The Case of Disappearing Girls
“India is the most dangerous place in the world to be a girl,” a recent UN report concludes. For girls living in the state of Bihar, this reality is all too real. Girls are forced to eat meager leftovers after their male family members have dined, and are at high risk of …
The Forgotten Youth of Kashmir
Violent conflicts have plagued humanity since the beginning of its existence, but few can equal the brutality and extensiveness as that of the Kashmir Valley conflict in South Asia (between India and Pakistan). Kashmir is no stranger to forgetting its children in the storms of war and aggression. The horrific …