Natural bodily functions are often under attack by men. Menstruation (as natural as any other process humans possess), is often under harsh criticism in religious and public institutions. Religions present women in myriads of ways, yet women in the religious perspective and media eye continue to be poorly depicted. In …


Acid attacks continue to be a prominent issue in today’s society, specifically in India. Acid attacks are a form of gender based violence, one that still continues to take its toll on young women. However, the survivors are not to be taken as victims but heroes, women who fight against …


“Acid attacks” the pairing of the two words is more despicable and disgusting than what the two mean alone.  No one asks or is shocked of news reports or media coverage on acid attacks, because sadly enough they’re all too common. The worst part of acid attacks isn’t the fact that people …


Background Dancing was an art that was meant for expression of religious stories and especially evident in Hindu mythology. Lord Shiva, otherwise known as Nataraja (the god of dance), expressed the cosmic cycles of birth, life and death in his vivid dance called the Tandava for his companion Parvati. The Tandava …


Ethnic violence strikes once again in India this week. With the murder of more than 32 people, there has been violence in the state of Assam between the Bodo tribe rebels and victim Muslims. As of May 3rd, 22 people had been arrested for the killing of the Muslims in Assam. The assault was led …


The digestive system is responsible for the solid waste that ends up in our toilets, a.k.a. feces, poop that is.Toddlers are potty trained at a young age, and they have to start to do their business in the toilet. Imagine not having a toilet, where would human waste end up? Westerners take …


Many forms of work are praised and glorified, because work is necessary in order for society to function. Some jobs however, are cruel, demeaning and dangerous. A prime example, one that sadly is all too common, is prostitution. Prostitution is not necessarily a job for the sex workers or victims …


Work- n. service done in exchange for money. Work isn’t a pleasant activity; it’s tedious and difficult, however, it’s done in order to survive. When you think of an average worker, you think of an adult, not a child. In India, that is unfortunately not the case. There, many children …


To enroll in the armed forces is to dedicate and devote your life for the sake of your nation; it is the most honorable and noble service you can  provide for your country. But for the women of Sri Lanka, being in the army is not an honor, but a …


India Female Literacy

Reading for many is something they take for advantage. Googling through the use of putting letters together and reading the links to find this article to read, is a skill people acquired during adolescence in school. In India however, it will take the next 56 years for young girls …