Indian Women Shaping the Political Scene

A commonly cited fact is that India is the world’s largest democracy. It needs to be cleared up that this only refers to the population of India and not the strength of the democracy. As elections are rolling around in India, it is important to take a look at the …
Kavita Krishnan of AIPWA Discusses Rape in India

People of India have demanded that steps be taken to stop the continuous rape of women but only a few have been taken. One minor change has been the expansion of the definition of rape beyond the previously narrow one. Major changes have to be taken to ensure women of …
Woman Raped Again Despite Police Protection

A woman is raped every 20 minutes in India. Indian women live in a society where they are denied the basic rights they should be born with. A great example of the hardships Indian women are facing on a daily basis is an incident that occurred on March 3, 2014. A …
The Self Employed Women's Association Is Working to Empower Indian Women

The Self Employed Women’s Association is working to empower women by making them self-sufficient. Watch the video above for an explanation of some of their amazing methods! An article in the International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, provides some insight into how effective the organization is. The article was …
Guns for Girls: Sexual Violence Victim Blaming 2.0

Victim blaming is taking on a new shape. According to one study, India is the fourth most dangerous country for women. But hey, the women made it that way, right?. They should be careful about what they wear, and where the travel. You know what I don’t get at all? Why …
Aamir Khan Calls Men Out on Domestic Violence

Bollywood actor Aamir Khan says that men will first have to change the way they think before violence against women can be combated. Aamir has a history of supporting social causes, but this message was directly to the point: If you hit a woman, you are a coward. End of story. His …
Ad Responds To Men Who Stare At Women

This ad responds directly to men who stare at women in public places. It uses mirrors to show the reflection of a indecent gaze right back at the male actors in the ad. The ad is powerful and comes at a time when men in India are increasingly being scrutinized …
Mallika Sherawat Stands up for Women's Rights

Mallika Sherawat does a fantastic job standing up for women’s rights. A journalist criticizes her for calling India “a regressive state.” Watch the video to see why she hits the mark with her comments! She boldly defends her statement using examples of female feticide and rape as example of India being …