Introduction Yes, I am not Muslim. No, that doesn’t make me biased. This article is meant to throw light on the sensitivity of the two topics of nikah halala and polygamy in Islam, with relevance to the current times. Defining the Terms According to Wikipedia, nikah halala is practiced by …


The recent judgement of the Indian Supreme Court decriminalizing adultery needs to be viewed as a shot in the arm for the larger social justice movement. Adopting a nuanced position, while upholding how marriage is largely a private affair between two individuals, the judiciary has simultaneously retained with it the …


Progress is never made unless stigmas and boundaries are broken. This is exactly what I-AM Shakti, a non profit organization founded on the basis to break the stigma of mental health surrounding Indian Americans, their friends, and their families, is doing. I-AM SHAKTI was started in November 2017 and currently …


Introduction Time and again, history has witnessed great revolutions- some at an international level like the worldwide cry against imperialism, and others like the Lokpal Bill agitation at smaller levels, but still great nonetheless. Revolution buds out of repression and a sudden outburst of the anger boiling inside people. India recently saw and …


The Section 377 LGBTQ is an acronym which no longer requires an introduction. Most of the people in India believe in ignoring it or refuse to provide it with the deserving authenticity. This alone is the reason that a community has to fight for rights so basic that it is …


A Saga Of Mobocracy ­ ‘‘A society with lynch culture needs a big zoo, not for the animals definitely, but for the very people themselves!” Today Mobocracy is burdensome on Democracy, which is not a good sign for mankind. A number of people have lynched in past couple of months …


Introduction: Each and every  government bodies, which were set up on this earth  from past have been evolving since the origin of man. May it be the village head during ancient times, kingship model during medivial times and democratic model of present time. They have been transforming till date to provide …


Jewel of India In Danger On the banks of the Yamuna River, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, there lies a prominent white marble monument that serves as a testament to love. Hailed as a wonder of the world, the Taj Mahal was constructed in Agra to honor the memory …


Background: After the festivities of the new year’s eve, Maharashtra had a gloomy start to the year. iA cycle of events was put into motion which exposed the deep-rooted crevices in the Indian society. The ugly monster named ‘Caste’ reared its ugly head to remind us of the truth of …


Practice of Confessions in Church: In catholic teaching, the Sacrament of Penance is the method of the church by which individual men and women confess sins committed after baptism and have them absolved by God through the administration of a Priest. This is usually conducted in a confession box or …