Air pollution in New Delhi has dominated headlines over the past few weeks. The level of air pollution was in the “severe” category. Evolution Of Delhi As A Gas Chamber On 6th November 2017, Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal tweeted that “Delhi has become a gas chamber. ” The concentration …


The recently released global TB report 2017 has stated that India leads in the number of people afflicted with the deadly disease, that is TB. In the year 2016, about 27.9 lakh people in India were affected with the disease and about 4.23 lakh of them were killed as a …


“Every second we are damaging our lungs, but we cannot stop breathing,” were the words of  Arvind Kumar, the head of the chest and lung surgery department at the Sir Ganga Ram hospital. Delhi’s pollution problem has been no secret, however, the problem has recently escalated to levels far from …


Startup India is an initiative by the government of India to boost entrepreneurship by nurturing, mentoring and providing resources to make ideas a reality. The campaign was first announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his 15 August 2015 address from the Red Fort. In January 2016, the action plan …


It has been since times immemorial that menstruation is considered as a taboo. The number of superstitions and the social conditioning associated with this biological process of a monthly bleeding signal at our society’s odiously irrational attitude towards its women, even in the 21st-century. In an era wherein hefty feminism …


Starvation In The Indian Context       India is a country with a population of over 1.3 billion. The population increases at the rate of 1.2% per year, making us the second most populated country in the world. Incidentally, the Indian food industry is the world’s sixth largest and is expected to …


Introduction When the government begins to seize lands from their rightful owners, where does the need for development stop? The recent decision of the Maharashtra Government to divert 460 hectares of tribal land on the outskirts of Mumbai for development, to Taiwanese phone manufacturer Foxconn has sparked outrage amongst the locals. …


Appeal To The SC There is a persistent argument around the unforeseen question Aam Atmi Party leader, Arwind Gejriwal asked the Supreme Court about the capital of India. He has approached the Supreme Court debating whether or not the court has passed any law that deviates away from the constitution. …


It has now been a year since the Supreme Court had ordered cinema halls to play the National Anthem before playing any movie on screens. But now, the Apex Court has asked the Centre to revisit the order and formulate the rules and regulations about the same since the issue …


People of old age are often looked at in pity in our society, but don’t let their helpless image passed around in society fool you. Powerful figures like Amla Ruia are rapidly changing the perception we have of the dada and dadis of India. Amla Ruia’s Initiative In order to tackle the …