
Background The idea that vast amounts of India’s wealth lie in secretive bank accounts in Switzerland and elsewhere, and that if successfully repatriated and distributed through a hitherto undecided mechanism, it can solve nearly all of India’s problems with significant change left over, is one of the enduring notions of recent …


Once out of school in India, it is strange how several beliefs are shattered as one grows up and knows more. For example, one learns that Jinnah’s 1946 Direct Action Day was a lot more brutal than what textbooks said, and that there was much more to the 1948 annexation …


Our non-profit organisation, SAVE (Society Against Violence in Education), basically works against ragging all over India. SAVE creates a common platform for voices against ragging; SAVE is a fully cause-driven organization. Once the goal is reached, we can switch over to some other social causes, as will be legally feasible. …


Background Shiv Sena is India’s right wing Hinduvta organization that aims to increase the dominance of Hindus in India. They are known for causing communal problems with minority religions and de-secularizing India as much possible. The Uttar Pradesh branch of the organization (the political party of which is currently in power with the …


Background Recently, India and Pakistan have been exchanging fire across the border despite a ceasefire. Even today, Pakistan shot across the border at the Narain Border Post. Both sides accuse each other of violating the ceasefire, and things have gotten even more sour recently with Pakistan calling on the United …


According to a recent study published by the Pew Research Center, Indians think that Religious and Ethnic Hatred poses the greatest threat to the world. This is no surprise coming from a country known to have its own set of religious and ethnic problems. The next highest were Inequality and Nuclear …


Background Some films are silly and stupid, and do nothing but let us pass time with a few laughs. On the other hand, some movies are powerful, and they hit us emotionally and stay with us for years to come. And some movies just give us insight into something or …


Background As the 2014 World Cup enters the knockout phase, fans in India will be cheering for their favorite team. There will be one team, however, that they cannot cheer for: India. For a country of 1.2 billion, it baffles many that India cannot field an 11-man team when Costa …


The Background Soft power is an effective tool in global situations. Whether it is gaining leverages, diffusing tense conflicts, or increasing relations with other countries, foreign policy continues to be implemented today. Many scholars agree that diplomacy is a better tool than military might to attain security and prosperity in …


Background The election of Narendra Modi marks a change, if not total reversal, of Indian foreign policy that we had seen under UPA I and II. The new focus is business and how India can better use its resources and human capital to lift more people out of poverty. This new business-centric …