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Sikkim Will House Research Institute to Expand Its Organic Farming
Introduction Radha Mohan Singh approved the creation of the National Organic Farming Research Institute (NOFRI) in Gangtok, Sikkim. Sikkim is a fully organic state, which means all agriculture in the …

Time for Gender Quotas in Indian Workforce?
Introduction Recently, the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) held a discussion on “Closing Technology’s Gender Gap” at the India Leadership Forum. According to Forbes India, the general …

Shashi Tharoor Stands Up Against Sabarimala Temple
Introduction Congress lawmakers have spoken in favor of the Sabarimals’s ban on women entering the temple on the basis of tradition and culture. The temple claims that women between the …

Sandeep Maheshwari Explains How To Be Unstoppable
A great quick reminder that we can do whatever we want as long as we believe in ourselves!

Caste Discrimination: The Bane of Indian Society
Introduction The Dalits have been constant victims of defamation within college campuses, and are almost always subjected to different forms of discrimination by the students and teachers alike. In fact, …

Smart Cities: A Smart Solution?
Introduction It is an embarrassing fact that India has become a land of disparities—for one can see dismal, tumbledown houses—enmeshed in the chains of poverty, being shadowed by intimidating skyscrapers—the …

Easy on the Finances: Aadhar Card Digitization
What is an Aadhar Card? An Aadhar is a unique 12-digit identification number provided to every Indian citizen and serves as proof of identification. The Aadhar card was an initiative …

The Tremor’s Terror: The Increase in the Frequency of Disasters is Our Own Doing
Earthquakes have often been quoted as “nature unleashing its fury”. There have been plenty of speculations on how it is human influence that has led to the increasing frequency of …
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Wow, you put it on paper how so many of us Pakistanis feel about this issue. I totally agree with…
Bajirao Mastani and now Padmavati. Why a certain section of the society has to create a hooplah over some dramatic…
National Anthem is the pride and I get goose bumps whenever or rather whereever it is played. Maybe the Supreme…