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Regaining India’s Position in Global Economy: India Ranks 7th in World Economy
Recently, India was ranked 7th in world economy 2017.The economy of the United States is the largest in the world. At $18 trillion, it represents a quarter share of the …

Dooming Delinquency: How Many More Pradyumans?
Introduction In a news headline that shook the country with terror early in September, a 7-year old student from Ryan International School, Gurgaon was murdered in the school premises. The …

[Video] Obama’s Response to Indian Transgender Activist
Check out this video featuring Obama’s response to an Indian transgender activist!

Organ Donation In India: A Clash Between Religious Beliefs And Life-Saving Acts
According to reports, India, with its population of 1.3 billion has an unbelievable shortage of organ donors, when the demand is huge. It’s mostly due to the kith and kin …

Time To Stop Hate Crime Headlines Is Overdue: Muslim Man Brutally Murdered
Among the myriad of headlines in India about various issues, hate crimes against Muslims seem to be increasing and becoming regularized in society and news headlines. Yet Another Hate Crime …

Delhi’s Air Pollution: Race Down the Rabbit Hole to Smog
Introduction To The Emergency And Its Impact On The Population Four out of every ten children in the Delhi are known to suffer severe lung problems. A worrisome 21 percent …

[Video] From Bar Dancer’s Daughter To Drummer
Check out this inspirational video about the daughter of a mother in the bar dancing industry who chose to pursue her dreams and become a drummer!

Bribery Charge on Ishrat Masroor Quddusi: Is India Losing Faith in its Judiciary?
Introduction “The subject of judicial corruption is taboo, and like the proverbial Chinese monkeys, one shall not see, hear or speak of this evil,” KK Venugopal, the attorney general of …

12/06/1992: Destruction of Secularism in India?
What Happened? Exactly 25 years ago today, a group of Indians claiming to be nationalists and fighting for their country, destroyed a 16th-century Babri mosque located in the northern India town …

Awaiting Justice: Corruption of Money or Merely Murder of Ethical Values?
On one side, the well-known hospital brand of medical science denied all the rumours and claimed all the standard protocols were followed, but on the other side parents lost a …
Latest Comments
Wow, you put it on paper how so many of us Pakistanis feel about this issue. I totally agree with…
Bajirao Mastani and now Padmavati. Why a certain section of the society has to create a hooplah over some dramatic…
National Anthem is the pride and I get goose bumps whenever or rather whereever it is played. Maybe the Supreme…